To Love a Man Read online

Page 3

  Dear God, was she really going to let him do this to her? After what happened eight years ago? After what happened eight hours ago?

  Her body’s unequivocal answer was, Hell, yes!

  No one had ever made her feel like he did, the undeniable proof of which was probably running down his wrist at this very moment. Besides, she’d already tried to stop him. It was like trying to stop a tank.

  Her mind whirred with the germ of an idea – not a good one, mind you, but an idea just the same. Two could play at this game.

  She reached out with the only hand she had available. She tugged his shirt out of the waistband of his pants and undid the buttons, starting from the bottom. Then deliberately aiming high, she found his brick-outhouse-abs beneath his shirt. When Ellie laid her palm flat over the bare skin of his stomach, she got a bit of a reward – a deep groan against her mouth. And she wasn’t about to stop there. But instead of going high, she went low and unbuckled his belt, then undid the button and pried down the zipper of his pants, not even bothering to drag them down. She just peeled them away enough that she could reach in and cup him, over his underwear, giving him a firm squeeze that had him half moaning, half chuckling as he moved away enough to catch her eye.

  “Holy—” His breath caught as she gave up fondling him over his briefs and slipped her hand beneath the waistband. She slid her hand – with the slightest, most teasing of touches – all the way down him and beyond, to cup his balls, and he sighed almost prayerfully, “—Mother of God!”

  Ellie had to admit, it was certainly nice to know that she could affect him as much as he did her.

  But then he reached down to encircle her wrist with two fingers, bringing it above her head to be held by the hand that had been buried in her hair.

  “Cal!” As an indictment of what he was doing to her it wasn’t much, but it was all she could muster from this position.

  The smile he gave her dripped evil intent. “I have to admit that I’ve fantasized about having you at my mercy like this again – what I would do to you,” he confessed, his voice about an octave or so lower than she could ever remember hearing it.

  And that was when the worry that had been at the back of her mind since he’d appeared on her doorstep came much more to the forefront. He did – most starkly and completely – have her at his mercy. She’d already acknowledged that. But what if his intention wasn’t to bring her to orgasm after orgasm until she was out of her mind – as he used to do so long ago – but instead, to actually hurt her? Considering what he’d done this afternoon and what he’d just said, that seemed like a distinct possibility.

  He must’ve seen the look of abject terror that crossed her face, because he leaned down and kissed her very gently. Then he ruined the effect by loosing her hand long enough to grab the front of her tee shirt and rip it down the front, revealing breasts that offered themselves up to him with every heaving breath. He took complete advantage of their invitation, recapturing her hand when it tried to worm its way between them to cover herself, then, for a long, interminable moment, he simply stared down at her.

  He had to pause; he had no choice – the sight of her left him truly breathless. “I’d forgotten how fucking perfect you were. Your breasts are magnificent.” She couldn’t detect any sarcasm in the least. He sounded almost... reverent.

  And with that he began to truly worship them, nibbling and nipping gently around their base, washing his tongue over tips that craved much more direct attention than he was giving them – much more than the occasional swipe at them. Then he buried his head between her breasts, kissing and licking every inch of them. He finally caught her eyes while opening his mouth wide to take in every bit of her that he could. He suckled slowly before pulling his head away, until just the excruciatingly sensitive tip remained within that wet warmth, being flicked against teeth that then worried it, only to soothe it again with lips and tongue. Then wetly sliding over to its companion to do the exact same thing.

  Ellie was keening almost constantly throughout his ministrations, tugging at his hold on her wrist not so that she could try to escape, but rather so that she could hold his head to her breasts – as if he’d let go of her anyway. Not likely.

  While her nipples were being teased and tasted, his other hand wasn’t idle, but rather, found its place between her legs again. Murmuring a soft, “Shh-shh-shh,” against her when she started, he slipped a finger back inside her. He crooked it ever so slightly to hit that just-right-spot within her, making her hips almost come off the bed with the intensity of the feelings he was deliberately building within her.

  Then he added a second finger, which was not easy for her to accommodate. He’d known that then and he was astonished to realize it now. It was as if she’d had no lovers since him, which was a patently ridiculous idea that he dismissed immediately. But he couldn’t stop his deep sense of satisfaction – misplaced pride? – at finding that she was still as tight as she had been when they were together. And he adored watching her try to come to grips with the invasion of his fingers almost as much as he intended to when he presented her with his cock.

  He was deliberately slow, taking his time with her, reveling in each hitched breath, each time she bit her lip and tried to cringe away from his advances. He dipped his thumb into her slickness to bring it up to her clit, bestowing excess lubrication atop the tiny, hard mound then beginning to rub carefully and deliberately over it, soothing her and watching her avidly for any response.

  And Cal wasn’t disappointed.

  She took a breath so deep he thought that she was going to explode her lungs, then blew it out on a whimpering cry that made his cock jump where it was still largely confined behind his briefs and trousers.

  He pressed his advantage, and his fingers, home within her at the same time, lazily pumping them in and out, while continuing to see to that little button of nerves, never letting it escape his attention. Dragging his thumb up and over it relentlessly, he let her cries of anguished pleasure wash over him.

  When her obvious pleasure became nearly too much for him to take, he leaned down to whisper huskily into her ear, “What’s your first rule?”

  Her entire lower body contracted beneath his hand at that and she began to wiggle in protest, which got her absolutely nowhere, hissing back at him, “No!”

  One side of his mouth rose in a somehow endearing, but still truly wicked grin. “Shall I remove my hand?”

  “Fuck, no!”

  As she had yet to answer him, he simply stilled his hand instead, looking down at her expectantly.

  Ellie sighed exasperatedly, knowing that her body wasn’t going to let her be strong and not knuckle under to him. Her blood was thrumming through every pore, and every atom of her wanted him like it wanted her next breath. “No cumming without permission.”

  That wasn’t how he would have preferred that she put it, but he wasn’t in a mood to quibble. “Whose permission?”


  He had had enough teasing, and in one smooth move Cal lifted her up, brought her shorts and undies down and off her, then did the same to himself. When he was done, he rolled, putting her atop him as he replaced his fingers with the part of him that had been wanting to find its home within her for much longer than he was willing to admit.

  Her legs straddled him as she knelt over him. His fingers tangled themselves in the hair at the back of her head, using his hold to pull her down to him for a kiss as he pressed himself up inside her, swallowing her initial distress at his size – which she had always exhibited, even after they’d been together for a while.

  She even said the same thing, whispering against his mouth, “Cal, you’re much too big – I can’t!”

  He cupped her cheek as he continued to prove her wrong, saying. “No, baby, you were made to accommodate me and stretch around me, to be filled completely by me.”

  Her efforts, the way she gasped and groaned and clutched at his arms, nearly had him cumming a thousand times over un
til he had seated himself within her fully and could advance no further.

  Ellie leaned forward onto his chest, thinking that might help ease the amazingly wonderful pressure she felt within her.

  But he didn’t give her a chance to adjust, to get used to his presence. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her to him and began to withdraw almost immediately, and when he jackhammered himself back into her, his palm cracked just as sharply down onto her defenseless behind.

  Chapter 3

  Ellie’s cry of bliss immediately dissolved into one of pain, but he didn’t stop what he was doing or miss a beat. Every time he stroked himself up into her – hard – he swatted her just as hard, and when she tried to reach back to defend herself against him, he caught her wrists together with the hand of the same arm that he was using to keep her trapped tight against him.

  All the way in, until she could feel his balls dangling against the insides of her thighs, then all the way out, not even leaving the barest hint of the tip in.


  Again, in and out.


  Ecstasy warred with the fact that her bottom was being very slowly, very deliberately set on fire, and it was losing badly. When the tears came – and they did, dripping down her cheeks and onto his chest – they were not inspired by the amazing feeling of being filled almost beyond capacity by him.

  “I was not happy to see you this afternoon,” rumbled through his chest and into the ear that lay against it. “You surprised me.”

  That was probably about as close as she was ever going to get to hearing an apology from him, but the effect was definitely ruined by her sincere distress – at his hands for the second time that day.

  “Don’t do that again. You’ll like the consequences even less than you like the ones you’re experiencing right now, I can promise you that.”

  She was so busy crying she didn’t even realize that he was waiting for her to acknowledge what he’d said, although he continued to spank her through it.


  Nothing. As if he hadn’t spoken; she was so deep in her misery.


  “What?” she whined, lifting her head from his chest, her nose running, eyes swollen and red, cheeks flooded with tears.

  “Did you understand what I said? You are not to come to my house again.”

  “Yes, okay, fine. It wasn’t my idea in the first place.”

  “Well, stop letting Ash lead you astray.” Ellie didn’t even know that he knew Ash was there with her! “She’s been doing that since you were in high school when she was convincing you to skip classes.”

  He’d stopped spanking for the moment, anyway, and, through hiccoughing sobs, she said as succinctly as she could, “As I said before: Fuck. You. Cal. Jennings.”

  He tugged her wrists further down than they had been, and she was required to arch her back to keep from having her shoulders ache from the pressure he was applying to them. As he held her down, completely unable to lift herself away from him, he drilled himself into her, beginning a punishing rhythm that had him lifting his hips off the bed to cram as much of himself up into her as he possibly could, while the rude fingers of his other hand ruthlessly parted her folds, its pinky and thumb separating them wider than they’d ever been before, his middle finger already having soaked itself in her residual juices as he settled it over her most sensitive spot and began to drag it over her.

  “No, Cal— unnhhhhhhnnnn.”

  He leaned forward to catch a bobbing nipple and suckle hard as it tried to escape, his finger torturing her with its slow movements, the tortoise to his cock’s pistoning hare. When he’d had his way with both nipples, leaving them standing hard and hungry, he leaned his forehead onto her tummy, just below those beautiful breasts. “So you don’t want me to make you cum?”

  “God, oh, please, yes!”

  “My, my, my, how you have changed your tune in such a short time, Ellie,” he drawled. “One might get the impression that you were fickle.”

  She growled down at him, baring her teeth, and he truly believed that, if she had had access to any part of him – one part in particular – at that moment, she would have bitten him without a second thought. “Fuck you.”

  “No, my dear, I believe the term for the situation you currently find yourself in is fuck you.”

  He was so skilled at this – even after so many years – that he knew exactly when to back off – when she was almost to the point where her orgasm was imminent – and touch her elsewhere.

  She was forced to ride the edge of her orgasm, as he did indeed fuck her, not allowing her to experience completion for an interminably long time.

  Until he withdrew himself and his fingers and looked into her eyes, asking, “Do you want to cum?”

  “Yes, finally, Jesus!”

  “Jesus isn’t the one who’s going to let you cum, Ellie. It’s me. Don’t forget it. And I want you to beg for it—” She opened her mouth, but he beat her to it, grabbing her hair and jerking her head back. “And if you say ‘fuck you’ one more time I’m just going to fuck you and spank you until I cum, and then I’m going to get up and walk out that door and leave you wanting.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself – I have hands of my own, you know!”

  There was that lopsided, purely evil grin again. “Yes, but you don’t have a cock, do you? And I remember you saying that you don’t like the artificiality of dildos, so you probably don’t. You also aren’t going to pull your own hair, or lick and suck your own nipples, now, are you?”

  Hating to admit that he was right, she tried again – so belatedly – to get away from him, but there was no way. And she had no doubt at all that he would do exactly what he said he’d do. And despite her brave words, her pussy was aching so badly that she thought if she didn’t cum very soon she was going to die.

  She wasn’t at all sure she wasn’t going to die if she did cum, either, but she’d rather lose her life in the middle of an orgasm rather than in the middle of writhing from the cruel, severe lack of one.

  “Please,” she bit out grudgingly.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.” His fingers returned to where they’d been, but they didn’t resume what they’d been doing. She couldn’t see him, but his tone was almost pensive. “What did you used to call me when we were together and I was your Dom?”

  As if she could ever forget. It was on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. “I don’t remember.”

  He wasn’t having it. “Oh, I think you do – or you will, pretty quickly, if you want to get off.”

  Rolling her eyes, she said quickly, “Sir.”

  “I want you to put them together, what you just said and what you used to call me before. I think that would be a very nice way to ask me if I would allow you to cum.”

  She didn’t want to. She couldn’t. But she had to. Her body demanded it. It would have no truck with false pride. “Please, Sir,” she whispered.

  His finger flicked out at her once. “I couldn’t hear you, Elise,” he scolded softly, licking down her neck.

  “Please, Sir.”

  Another flick, like a tongue darting out to lick a dripping ice cream cone. “That’s better. As long as you keep saying it, I won’t stop and you may cum.”

  “Please, Sir, please, Sir, please, Sir.” It became a chant. It became a mantra.

  It was what she screamed like bloody murder when, less than a minute later, her body jerked and spasmed and writhed while pinned and impaled by his as he proceeded to take what he wanted from her. His own body was thrown headlong into ecstasy by the heady effects of hers as she squeezed him dry.

  He was exhausted, his bones completely melted by her heat, but he nevertheless remembered that one was never enough for her, so he kept her in place, although he was already naturally withdrawing from her, kept his fingers in position, wondering if he could still read her well enough to bring her off more than once. She
was a tricky one for that. It wasn’t always easy, sometimes she was so sensitive that she literally couldn’t, but other times, if he was patient and concentrated on her reactions, he was greatly rewarded by getting to watch her in the throes of ecstasy three, four, sometimes even nine or ten times before he decided that she’d had enough.

  This time he could see that by the fourth she was done, and he let her collapse on top of his chest.

  Ellie desperately wanted to spring up from the bed and run into the bathroom, locking the door and staying there – like the coward she was – until he left. But she knew that her legs wouldn’t support her – hell, she wasn’t at all sure she was even capable of dismounting him at this point. Her legs felt like just so much jello. She wasn’t at all sure what kind of condition her ankle was in, either, not that it had complained at all.

  Cal helped her by lifting her off him to lay her gently on her back. His gaze swept downwards and he actually gasped, sounding truly concerned. “Damn, I forgot about your ankle. How is it?”

  “It’s just twisted. It’ll be fine.”

  He maneuvered himself around until his head was down by her injured part. “Yeah, it’s swollen, but there’s not a lot of bruising. I don’t think it’s broken.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Jennings,” she said wryly.

  “Are you keeping it up? Putting ice on it? Taking Tylenol or whatever?”

  Ellie looked up at him pointedly as he stared down at her. “I was until someone came into my apartment and rudely accosted me.” She swung her legs over the edge of the bed. “As a matter of fact, I’m due for ibuprofen, and I should get some ice to put on it, too.”

  He hopped off the bed, gorgeously naked, and lifted her legs back onto it with great care. “You stay right where you are. I’ll get all of that.”