To Love a Man Read online

Page 7

  So, before he went to pick her up for dinner, when he was getting ready, he took matters into his own hand, lying on his big bed, thinking of nothing and no one but her. She’d been the star of all of his fantasies since they’d begun dating, and he couldn’t see that ending any time soon – or any time at all.

  Most of what he thought of while he was stroking himself was what he had seen while he was spanking her – the way her white skin became an acute red almost as soon a he removed his hand from it after each swat. The sounds of Ellie – whom he had already begun to think of as his Ellie – trying to be brave and not show how much the punishment hurt her, even right from the beginning, when she would do this delightful yelp, as if it was a surprise to her that she was being spanked. And cumming on her well-spanked bottom – that was definitely the highlight. At that time, he had not only been furiously rubbing up and down his length, using her lubricant as his own, he had been fondling her bum with his other hand, making her yelp again, making her try to stir and get away from his touch. But her efforts were those of a very recently disciplined young lady who was afraid to try too hard to avoid his touch and end up with even more of a chastisement than she’d already gotten.

  It was the thought of spanking her again that put him over the edge, had him crying out hoarsely, helplessly as his hips jerked up into the air, imagining it was her sheathing him instead.

  Hours later, in the middle of a rather innocuous dinner at a chain restaurant that she favored, he was feeling expansive and indulgent at the idea of giving himself pretty much free rein to touch her later, so he had agreed to go although he wasn’t much of a fan. But he was finding that making her happy was at least as addictive as punishing her, and he was anticipating that bringing her off was going to end up on that list shortly.

  “Is it up to snuff?” he asked, motioning towards her dinner with his drink. He figured he needed it, although he wasn’t going to drink much, just enough to take the edge off.

  Ellie nodded, looking happy. It was downright infectious.

  “Well,” he said, leaning towards her over the small table, continuing sotto voce, in a tone that was just slightly stern but full of husky, barely leashed desire, “I just want you to know that, once I get you back to my place, I’m going to stretch you out on the couch and have you for dessert.”

  Her eyes went round and her mouth fell open until she snapped it closed, setting her water glass down on the table with a thud. “Tonight?” she squeaked, her voice almost unintelligibly high.

  Cal reached across the table and began to stroke her fingers. “You agreed to put yourself in my hands.” She had, and he’d been both surprised and very well pleased that – after the spanking, believe it or not – she’d agreed to let him set the pace of their intimacy that didn’t involve sex, after having secured from her a promise that, as soon as she felt comfortable enough with him to make love, she would let him know, and then let him take things from there.

  He was of a mind that this was a very good thing that he had been delighted she had acquiesced, without much of a fuss, to. If he were going to be her Dom, then he would be making all of those such decisions, which he had pointed out to her. He felt he knew her well enough – even though it hadn’t been all that long – to understand what she wanted and needed from this type of intimacy and – he concluded – regardless of any objections she might raise, that was what was going to happen that evening.

  She had swallowed hard, her eyes darting away from his. Ellie put her silverware down and dabbed her lips with her napkin, staring at her soup for the longest time, then her eyes reached out and grabbed his. “Yes, Sir.”

  His cock – the one that was supposed to be so well satisfied – spasmed beneath the zipper of his jeans. Could she be any more perfect for him?

  He sincerely doubted it.

  But she looked at least as nervous as she had when she’d known she was going to get a spanking, and he murmured, patting her hand, “Finish your dinner – so we can get to dessert.”

  He loved watching the blush rise in her and couldn’t wait until he could see from whence it originated – her mons or her toes.

  By the time they got to his place, the hand he took to help her out of the car was ice cold, so he tucked it into his jeans pocket along with his own, hoping to warm it, looping an arm around her waist to pull her close, knowing that intimacy begat intimacy.

  Upon entering the apartment he kissed her deeply, then told her to stand in the doorway and wait for him to fetch her. He used his phone and its connection to his stereo to put on some soft, romantic music, then he went around and lit the candles he’d placed strategically about the place that afternoon, some of her favorite scent, some plain, so that they weren’t overwhelmed by it. It was just sunset now, so they would provide the perfect atmosphere.

  As a last touch, he bumped the heat just the slightest bit, wanting her to be warm, considering that he intended to finally have her naked in his arms.

  Then he came back to her and hugged her, feeling her tremble and experiencing a wave of protective feelings that she seemed to inspire in him like none other. After a deep, unhurried kiss, he took her hand and led her to the couch, where he sat down on the inner most cushion, tugging her to stand between his spread legs, his hands coming up to cup her bottom right where it began to become thigh, pulling her forward a bit and looking up at her as he could feel her body shake beneath his touch, from the core out.

  “Look at me, Elise.” Her eyes had been flitting here and there, everywhere but on him until he spoke, and then they landed – however tentatively – on his. “I know I’m your Dom – becoming that anyway – and as such I’ll always try to go with my instincts about you. But occasionally I’m going to ask for feedback from you and I expect you to be completely honest with me when I do. Keep in mind, however, that, although I will take to heart whatever you say, it may or may not change what I’m considering doing to you.”

  Her “Yes, Sir,” was whispered, as if she couldn’t quite catch her breath enough to respond in full voice.

  “I want to touch you. I’m going to touch you. My palms ache to cup your breasts, my mouth waters at the thought of tugging at your nipples. My fingers want to find their true home between your legs. I want to hold you as you writhe for me. I will own your moans and your cries and your screams. And I’ll hold you, safe in my arms, as you come apart – as you explode – because you just can’t bear what my tongue is doing to you any longer.” Had he just felt her contract that hard? “But my darling Ellie, you look very scared and it’s breaking my heart. Talk to me, love. What are you feeling?”

  She chuckled, but it was watery, and when he saw the tears in her eyes he abandoned the somewhat sterner demeanor he had been going to use and pulled her onto his lap, kissing away the tears that trailed down her cheeks.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she breathed. “I don’t know what’s gotten into me – I feel like such a ninny.”

  Cal didn’t say anything, just held her and rocked her.

  Ellie cleared her throat. “I’m sorry—”

  “Stop apologizing to me, honey. And there are no bad feelings. This is all very new to you, and new things cause you apprehension. I understand.” He kissed her gently then pressed his forehead to hers. “You trust me?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Small, but clear.

  “And you know that, tonight, all I want in this world is to show you Heaven on Earth?”

  There was that blush again. She could feel even her ears burning. “Yes, Sir.”


  It seemed to Ellie as if – seconds later – she was lying on his lap nude, but it must’ve been longer than that. How was it that her clothes had just melted off her like that? She wondered.

  And then there were his hands, sure and strong but wonderfully gentle at the same time, starting at the top of her head and burying themselves in her tresses – which she already knew he had a fondness for, tracing her profile with his fingertips, t
hen letting them wander boldly southward, over the delicate column of her neck, to her surprisingly sensitive collar bone and out from there across her shoulders and down the outsides of her arms, then coming back to rest at the very bottom of her throat.

  “Look at me,” he breathed, somehow at least as raggedly as she was. He held her eyes with his as his fingers began to explore further, seeing her mouth part as his hand traveled up the slope of one breast to capture a nipple, kissing it by surrounding it with his fingertips the way he would surround it with his lips shortly. His touch was so infinitely gentle it brought tears to her eyes again as her head rolled back and she leaned heavily against his arm for support.

  Cal made sure that both nipples received the same amount of attention as he let her sighs and moans wash over him, like a balm to his restless soul. “Let’s get you more comfortable,” he whispered, turning them so that she was on her back and his length was stretched out beside her.

  His mouth immediately began to follow the trail southward that his fingers had taken, until he cupped her breast and squeezed it slightly. His tongue flicked slowly over the very tip of her nipple first, then becoming much more bold, especially as he finally drew the entirety into that hot, wet cavern, lips pursed, suckling hard.

  She arched beneath him, her only free hand reaching for him, trying to disrupt what he was doing to her. It was too – it was much, much too...

  “Ellie, that hand is going to get you into trouble. If it tries to interfere with me again, I will pin your hands above your head and you will have another punishment coming. Put it behind you.”

  Another? And, dear God, had he said that he’d – gulp – hold her arms above her head if she disobeyed him? As enticing as that sounded – in real life in particular, rather than just reading about it – she knew she couldn’t have stood that. This was all too new for her. “Yes, Sir,” she said, tucking her hand under her.

  He caught her eye and almost smiled, until they closed – as did hers – as soon as he brought her nipple back into his mouth, which, shortly after, left off teasing those tempting buds to bury his face in her tummy.

  He knew she felt self conscious about the fact that it wasn’t as flat as she might like it to be, and he’d done everything he could to reassure her that he found her incredibly arousing just as she was. But he could hear the change in her tone; she wasn’t moaning and sighing as much as coming dangerously close to whining, and he intended to nip that in the bud. Looking up at her, he asked sternly, “Does your body belong to me?”

  She bit her lip, looking uncertain, and he knew she was looking for some deeper meaning to his question before she answered.

  But he didn’t want her doing that. He wanted her to answer him quickly when he asked the question of her, not when she’d mulled over all of the angles and decided what was likely the most palatable thing to say to him. So he reached up with both hands and grabbed her breasts at the bottom, squeezing hard, then working his way to those tender tips and pinching them just as firmly.

  “Ahh! Oh God! Yes, yes, Sir!”

  “Say it.”

  “M-my body belongs to you,” she sobbed, not used to experiencing pain in such a tender area.

  “Damn straight. All of it – not such the bits you might think I should find important. I love your beautiful belly and your gorgeous ass.” His hands left her tips to reach under her and squeeze her bottom cheeks. “And whining – in any circumstance, by the way – is strictly forbidden.”

  Her backside got a generous pinching, while she repeated “Yes, Sir,” hoping it would end that torture.

  But it didn’t stop until he’d moved down to where he preferred to be. His body kept her open whether she wanted to be or not, legs spread around his presence between them, even more so when he hung them over his shoulders, which forced them back much further and out, leaving her truly exposed to him, in the rawest sense of the word.

  He wanted to compliment her, tell her how much he adored seeing that beautiful pink flesh, noting how her excitement was seeping down her groove and knowing he’d caused that, but his body wouldn’t allow it. Cal – who had two bachelors and a master’s degree – didn’t think he could say anything coherent, so he didn’t say anything at all. He just began to kiss her, gently, almost tentatively at first, but then with growing ardor as he could hear her begin to come alive beneath him. He didn’t simply glom onto that sensitive peak and flick it for all he was worth. He knew it must’ve nonetheless been craving the attention he’d been lavishing on the rest of this hidden, private, secret place that she had given him the honor of being first to touch, first to taste.

  When his head dropped and he let his tongue poke out to scoop some of her into his mouth and let the heady bouquet of pure Elise flood into every one of his senses, she started just slightly, as if she would object. But he simply continued to probe her, to learn her, to know her everywhere and every way he could reach.

  She was well guarded, and he could barely push his tongue into her, and that had her moving restively beneath him, but he did it anyway, wanting her to become acquainted with his presence there. But then he left off to journey north once more, this time actually nibbling at her impressively hard bud and feeling her spasm once as her hips rose this time in eager greeting.

  He lifted his head. “Elise?”

  Her mouth was slightly open, breath coming quickly, her eyes closed seconds before they drifted slowly open, and she looked at him fuzzily, as if she was in a trance. “Yes, Sir?”

  Had her voice always been that ethereal? “You’re not always going to have this freedom – in fact it’s probably going to be quite rare – but you may cum any time you like.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she breathed, and he returned to his pleasant pursuit.

  Ellie couldn’t believe how amazing it felt. All of her nervousness was gone and in its place was a bright, blazing desire that he was obviously intent on fulfilling. She should have felt horribly vulnerable, pinned wide open beneath him as she was, but she didn’t. It felt somehow right to be this way with him. She had no doubt at all that he would take care of her, and that let her be free enough that she could simply revel in what he was doing to her.

  Everything about everything he’d done and was doing was – she could tell – very carefully crafted and calculated to bring her the utmost in pleasure. He’d said all the right things, he’d created a romantic atmosphere, and he’d taken just the perfect tone with her – somewhat stern at times, but overall very loving and indulgent, too.

  She had no idea what it was that he was doing to her with that tongue of his, but she knew she never, ever wanted him to stop. She had already warned him that sometimes it took her a little while to “get there”, even though it was only herself.

  But he had just smiled and said that there was no such thing as spending too much time doing that, as far as he was concerned, so she needn’t worry that he was ever going to complain or balk about doing it. In fact, he had said with a wolfish look, that he fully intended to tie her down some time and spend an afternoon doing exactly that.

  “I definitely need to keep you like this,” he whispered huskily, coming up for air, and when she ventured a look at him she could see herself dripping down his chin. He was wearing what looked like a euphoric smile. “I adore all the soft sighs and the moans and the hitches in your panting breath – it just makes me want to make you do all of those things more. But most of all, I want to hear what sounds you make when you cum.” His hand reached up to toy with her nipples. “Will you arch up against my mouth, begging me, demanding more? Will you try to cringe away because it’s just too much for you? Or will you scream and growl and grip my head between your thighs?”

  Ellie hadn’t been at all aware of what she had been saying or doing while he’d been loving her with his mouth.

  And then he answered himself, “My money’s on the latter,” happily, before licking the broad flat of his tongue over every inch of her, then suckling her back into
his avid mouth.

  It wasn’t but a few minutes later when she could feel it beginning, feel that deep unfurling of the tendrils of ecstasy that she had never experienced at anyone else’s behest before. Now, just the thought of the fact that it was, in essence, out of her control – that he could stop and start again any time he wanted to and there was nothing she could do about it – boosted those feelings into orbit, making her moans one constant, low hum that grew in volume as her desire rose and curled and burned within her.

  Cal knew she was almost there, and he raised his head one more time, just for a second, to say, with just an edge of steel, “Cum. Right. Now.”

  And she did – in exactly the manner he had envisioned, helplessly riding his mouth, subject to his continued simulation as he encouraged her to eek out every bit of ecstasy she could, adoring the way she responded to him and very nearly experiencing his own end along with her.

  He was rock hard, and if she but breathed in his direction he knew that he would go off like a rocket. But this wasn’t about him, so he did his best to try to subdue his own desires to concentrate on hers, gently but firmly guiding her through two more peaks. But he noticed, when he would have given her a fourth, how the muscles of her legs shook and decided against it.

  She had had enough, and, for a first time, three – especially as hard as they had sounded – was just perfect.

  After arranging her in a much more modest position stretched out next to him, her naked body trapped against him and the couch cushions, he drew her into his arms. “You are magnificent. You are amazing.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly. “You are perfect for me. Just perfect.”

  Ellie allowed herself to be held for a long time as she came down from the ultimate summit, but then she looked up at him and said, “But what about you?”